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Basic Evaluation Framework for Assessing Progress on Identified Priority Health Needs in Your Immediately Preceding CHNA and Implementation Strategy

An important part of the CHNA is to evaluate the impact of the actions you took to address the significant health needs from your previous CHNA report. If you did not create an evaluation framework in your previous Implementation Strategy to assess progress, you can use this simple table as an example to guide you through the evaluation process.

Significant Health Need Identified in Preceding CHNA Planned Activities to Address Health Needs Identified in Preceding Implementation Strategy Was Activity Implemented (Yes/No) Results, Impact & Data Sources
Obesity in Adult Population Healthy Cooking Classes No* n/a
Weekly Exercise Group Yes 15 ppl attended 12 week exercise program and all had reduction in BMI (Meeting Records)
Facilitated Pre-Diabetes Support Group Yes 10 ppl attended 7 weeks of educational support sessions (Meeting Records)
Breast Cancer Partner with Local Gyms to Post Self-Breast Exam Instructions in Women’s Locker Rooms Yes Self Breast Exam Instructions posted in 20 Women’s Locker Rooms reaching roughly 3,500 women (Gym Membership Numbers)
Mobile Mammography Units Sent to Local Churches and Rec Centers Yes 180 Women Received Breast Cancer Screening – 20 Referred to Physicians for Follow Up (Mobile Unit Records)

* If activity was not implemented, please provide a brief explanation for this:

  • The Healthy Cooking Classes activity was not implemented due to resource constraints (could not secure chef or cooking classroom).